Contact Us

Whether you are looking for directions or need to reach us via phone or email you have landed at the right place.

Contact Form

Please fill out the form below with any questions or comments, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.


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Contact Info

PO Box 127
Lincoln, ME 04457

Directions From Bangor

  • Take Interstate 95 Exit 227 for Lincoln/ Mattawamkeag.
  • Turn right off of the exit ramp and drive 2.25 miles.
  • The Treeline/ Maine Land Store office will be on your left. (Our office is a tan ranch style building on the corner of Route 116.)

Directions From Millinocket

  • Take Interstate 95 Exit 227 for Lincoln/ Mattawamkeag.
  • Turn left off of the exit ramp and drive 2.25 miles.
  • The Treeline/ Maine Land Store office will be on your left. (Our office is a tan ranch style building on the corner of Route 116.)

Treeline, Inc.

Treeline, Inc. is a diversified company with its core business rooted in Maine’s forest product industry.

The Maine Land Store

We are not a real estate agency, but are land enthusiasts that have been involved in the forest industry since the 1970s.

Treeline Service Center

Our service center is equipped to service anything from trailer trucks, trailers, large equipment such as bucket trucks, as well as your personal car or pickup.